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What is the cost of an Invisalign Treatment

What is the cost of an Invisalign Treatment We should mention that the cost of Invisalign treatment is a question that gets asked all the time. There are so many unique situations that only your provider can tell you how long it will take to complete treatment or how much it will cost. Complexity affects […]

Orthodontic treatment may involve the use of either fixed or removable braces

Orthodontic treatment may involve the use of either fixed or removable braces or a combination of both. Fixed Braces are attached by special adhesive to the teeth, and are made of stainless steel. Clear brackets are available (privately) but they are expensive. The teeth are moved along the wires using elastic bands or springs. Fixed […]

Adult Orthodontics San Antonio

Adult Orthodontics San Antonio So you didn’t get braces as a kid, or maybe you did, but you stopped wearing your retainer. Orthodontics can still help you – you are never too old for braces. In fact, about 25% of orthodontic patients today are adults. And, you will be so proud of your new beautiful […]